Anime clannad is an anime series that was once popular in its time until now, not infrequently this anime clannad became the best drama — romance anime series that was most popular at that time. Because the character is very good and also the plot of the story which is also interesting is able to bring the audience and fans into the atmosphere.
Clannad anime is an anime series adapted from a novel written by KEY. And continues to the anime series published by the collaboration of Visual Art’s and KEY studios. This clannad anime was published in 2007 to 2008 in its first season.
And it continued into its second season in 2008 with the title clannad after story which was able to attract clannad anime fans. Not only that, what Ayaneui said earlier, this clannad anime also has uniqueness in its storyline.
Apart from the good storyline of the Clannad anime and the view of the romance drama that is able to bring the background atmosphere of the Clannad anime, it is also real in its place of origin in Japan, which is right in a district in Tokyo. As seen in the anime Read more …